Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, Nov. 17

After putting in about 30 hours in the past two days, I am wiped out. We doubled brewed batches of our Sunset and Gold Ale on Sunday and today. On Sunday, I picked up Dave Campbell at the airport and we got to work about 10 a.m., I got done about around Midnight. We got started this morning at about 5 a.m. and I am actually still working, doing some cleaning and prep for tomorrow. I think I am just catching my second wind. Strangely enough, I don't feel tired at all. I'm sure if I stopped working, I'd pass out in about two seconds, but for now I will write this blog and keep going. The brew days went really well. I started to truly get the hang of things today and did most of the second brew without any help from Dave. He's going to evaluate me next time he's on Kaua'i. I am starting to feel very confident on this system and really enjoy how nice it feels to be somewhat self-sufficient. It's strange, I know how to make beer, I understand all the necessary components and know how to execute the technical steps. But this is a completely different system than what I was used to. I've been taking notes and also taking every opportunity to test my knowledge of this system while Dave is here. This guy is an amazing brewer and teacher. I truly feel lucky to have him around. I got my first taste of being in charge and alone here today. We had some trouble with our hot water tank and by the time the water came back up to temperature, it was time to take Dave to the airport. So, it was time for me to sink or swim. I was able to handle everything and the beer is in the tank safely. If all goes well, it will be fermenting when I wake up tomorrow morning. Speaking of tomorrow, my plan is to get up and go work out. After that, I've got about 7 hours of cleaning to do and then I will pick up Hawai'i Nui President Keith Kinsey at the Lihue Airport. Tomorrow may very well be a big day for me. Keith is coming in to talk to me about my transition to Hilo. I will keep you posted. Time for a drink and then some sleep. Aloha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I read your blog after visiting the island recently. I also had some Keoki Sunset – outstanding beer! I’m a home brewer and would love to try to make some – is there any chance of getting the recipe or at least an idea of ingredients? I’d sure appreciate it.
