Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday, Feb. 2

Hi there. Howzit? Doing good here. We had a nice weekend that included a trip to Costco and Hapuna Beach yesterday. The Prius arrived here on Friday, so we were eager to take it for a ride to the other side of the island. We stocked up on a bunch of stuff at Costco and then hit the beach for the some sun and waves. At one point while we were boogie boarding, we saw several Humpback Whales breaching in the open ocean. It was really great to see, those whales are HUGE and make quite a splash when then hit the water. Not sure if it was the same whale or several others with it, but we saw five or six really good breaches. Jess actually screamed the first time she saw it. I wish I would have been able to get a picture or a video. After the beach, we headed back to Hilo, ate some dinner and then went to listen to some jazz at a local bar called the Emerald Orchid. The music was pretty good. Since I worked six days last week, I took today off, so we can get our car registered and take care of some errands. Work is going fine for me, staying really busy. We're going to be bottling and filtering this week, in preparation for a huge order that will go out mid-February. Alright, time to wake up Jess. Aloha.

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