Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tuesday, Dec. 9

Well, no one asked for it, but I thought I would post a small picture of myself just so everyone knows that I am alive, tan and well. Things are good here. It was beautiful today, about 88 degrees and plenty of sunshine. I cranked out my work (cleaned the brew kettle, mash tun and washed about 75 kegs) and then went to the beach for a good portion of the day. If there's one thing I will miss about Kauai it's going to be the beaches. Don't get me wrong, Big Island has some great ones, but these one are second to none. It's great that Kauai is only a 38 minute flight from Hilo in case we feel like visiting from time to time. Speaking of visiting, who's planning their trips? I will toss it out there again -- You get yourself to Hilo for Christmas and I will supply everything else. I'm talkin about a marginal bed in a downtown hostel, where you'll certainly find tons of strange and interesting people. We won't have a car or a private bathroom, but who needs that, right? We can drink ourselves silly at the local bar. I've only got room for one though, first person to contact me is IN. Anyhow, the rest of the week is looking busy. We are going to double filter tomorrow, then I will clean tanks on Thursday before prepping for the last double brew days at the Keoki facility. I also have to squeeze in doing some laundry and getting Christmas presents shipped out to all you land-locked folks. Hope everyone is well. Aloha.

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