Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hello! I hope everyone is well. Today has been a good day. I woke up with some morning yoga. I find it is my favorite way to start the day. After watering the remaining plants in the house, Olive and I did a few chores around the house, while Berkley chewed on a bone. There's really not much left to do. Walshman and Walshmom's visit was so successful that there is just only a bit left for me. And we did it perfectly, I can live comfortably, yet still have a manageable amount of work to do in order to close this place out. I cannot possibly thank them enough. In the early afternoon, Berkley and I went for a hike on Doe Mesa. It was absolutely spectacular. I have been on this mesa before, but not in years. Truly an amazing view of Sedona. We hiked the zig zag trail up the side of the mesa, then hiked around the perimeter of the top. Berkely had a wonderful time, and he wasn't shy about showing it, as you can see. We basically got a 360 degree view of the red rocks during our hike, along with some amazing rock formations. If there is one thing that I am going to miss about living here, it is most certainly the hiking. Now, I plan to clean out a couple kitchen cabinets and possibly have one of the delicious brews John made before moving to Kauai. Take inventory of what I have...plan some meals around what is in the cabinets. I have sun dried tomatoes. Anyone have any great recipes including those? With that, I close. I leave you with this sweet, sweet lovely image that I was lucky enough to capture this afternoon. Good evening....

1 comment:

John and Jess said...

Hey there little lady, who is this "We" person you refer to when doing the chores???? You got yourself a houseboy or something?? Great post and awesome pictures.